A way to share any concerns that arise in people looking at my painting, I want to answer some commonly asked questions about my work. Wanting to respond in this way to many people that can not be questioned directly. In my most recent exhibition on November 26, 2008, in CODI. College of Architects, Engineers and Surveyors of Dominican Republic, are these questions:
What inspires your work is abstract?
- The abstract is always spiritual and abstract.
What does each of your paintings?
Well, each entity is a spiritual vibration that radiates a special charity
What kind of vibration emanating?
-Each one is a body vibrating in some spiritual blessings materials, such as in business, harmony, peace, health and abundance.
Are your names plays?
Sure, every time someone buys one of my pictures, of course a very special occasion, we reveal the name of the entity it represents, and to receive greater benefits in your home or business.
Among those who have purchased your works you can mention someone's world of business, art, etc.. ...?
- If my works are rather spiritual and people who buy my works are also very important. My fourth rarely or none are displayed in the halls of my clients are very private and the name of the work. Therefore I can not reveal the name of my acquiring but living out of it
Are your paintings accessible?
very accessible, just say it is a spiritual blessing to mankind, anyone can buy. No matter their economic conditions.
Is your work internationally?
I believe that yes, I have sold my work in Canada, France, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dominican Republic, my native country Haiti.
Do you have projects to diversify your work?
-My works have a spiritual inspiration and will always be spiritual.
Who has criticized your work?
-Look, as I say my work is spiritual. In my country the Lodge of Haiti have two works that are being subjected to a thorough study by the strong vibration that emanate, and teachers are doing test to give an opinion on my work. Des frères Iamitié Lodge Port-au-prince.
People who want to buy my work can do so through my representatives at:
HAITI marscaine mon-premier Tel.509-3723-1830 509-3916-5461
Natacha Camilien CANADA 514-531-8762 514-543-3925. natachacamilien@yahoo.ca
FRANCE Salnave sene 0033650417048 EMAIL salnave_s1976@hotamiel.com
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